Damon Braces

The Damon brace is much more than a conventional wire brace. They use friction-free technology so that treatment is much more comfortable and quicker than conventional braces. The brackets are also smaller and they also have a range of clear brackets known as Damon Clear, which are even more discrete but also more expensive.

How much do Damon braces cost?

Damon braces are more expensive than traditional braces. Expect prices to start from around £4000 an upwards depending on the complexity of your treatment. You should be advised on the estimated cost of treatment at a consultation with your orthodontist.

How does the Damon brace work?

The Damon brace works in much the same way as a conventional brace, the brackets are fixed to the front of your teeth, and with the wire, exert pressure in order to move your teeth into position. However, the Damon brace uses a friction-free slide mechanism instead of elastic bands, this is more comfortable than traditional braces because the teeth are allowed to move more freely, while also moving quickly.

Suitability for Damon braces

Although not as discrete as clear brace systems such as Invisalign, the Damon brace can treat more complex and severe dental problems, such as severe problems with your bite. Treatment with the Damon brace system is also likely to be much quicker than clear braces and is 4-6 months quicker than traditional braces.

The Damon brace can also be used to develop and improve the arches, and is unlikely to be used in conjunction with palatal expanders or head gear.

What does the Damon brace look like?

Though the brace does use brackets and wires, the brackets are much smaller than those used in traditional braces. The Damon system also offers a Damon Clear brace, which are not as noticeable, though not completely invisible.

The braces do not use elastic or metal ties, which gather plaque, so the Damon brace is much easier to clean than a conventional brace, reducing the risk of tooth decay.


The lack of elastic or metal ties in Damon braces means that less irritation is caused to the gums and soft tissue. The braces also do not require tightening, which is usually dreaded by the wearers of traditional braces.


During your initial consultation your orthodontist will assess you to see if the Damon system is suitable for you. This will involve x-rays, photographs and moulds being taken so that an accurate impression of the work required can be given.

Once the brace has been fitted you will not have to visit your orthodontist as much as you would if you had a conventional brace, you are also likely to notice quicker tooth movement between visits. You are likely to visit your dentist 8-10 times less than if you had chosen traditional braces. It is also claimed that treatment will be completed 4-6 months sooner.

Things to remember:

  • Though not as discrete as other options, the Damon brace will fix more complex problems with your teeth, and claims to have a much quicker treatment time.
  • This system is claimed by many orthodontists to be the gold standard in orthodontic treatment
  • The cost can be up to twice that of standard metal bracket and wire brace systems.

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